Spool of Fish Quilting Designs

The beauty of quilting is the creative outlet and resulting usefulness. For all you quilters, chime in from time to time.

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Quilting Withdrawals

I've gone a solid four months without quilting. Not because I was subjected to some sort of intervention, but because we sold our home and moved. Moving for us is a true test of personal, marital and family strength. We always choose the most neglected properties and then set out with much enthusiasm (and minimal budget) to make them charming. Needless to say, everything else is put on the back burner. I finally unpacked my quilting supplies last week and am warming up to my new (but much smaller) quilting environment.

I do have a bit of quilting excitement. My foundation pieced pattern 'Holy Carrots!' has been published in this month's issue (July/August) of Quilter's Newsletter Magazine. This is the first time I have appeared in this magazine and I think they did a great job -- you can even download the pattern from their website http://qnm.com/webextras/feature297/ .

Speaking of websites, I am excited to see so many people visiting www.spooloffish.com and downloading my free foundation piecing instructions. Now that we have settled into our new home I am looking forward to adding more patterns for you to enjoy.

